The Potter and the Clay
Chapter 1
He moves slowly,
smiling as He reaches
gently into the water,
bringing forth a scoop of
The river, moving slowly,
reflects His smile in the
flickering water, and
fills the hole left by His hand.
Placing the slick, wet mound
upon the wheel,
He turns it,
shaping, caressing the clay
until form arises.
The wheel, now spinning faster,
brings definition to the bolus.
Within moments,
the shape of a vessel comes forth.
Reaching within,
He creates an emptiness.
Then with gentle pressure, He rounds the base,
and flattens the bottom,
giving it stability. Fluting the neck,
He imparts grace.
“Behold. It is finished,” He says
as He removes the vessel from the wheel.
Cherishing his creation,
He breathes life into it, and life is borne
unto the vessel.
Lovingly, he says,
“You shall be called Ce~Akeros.”
With infinite gentleness
He places the vessel into the quiet waters
of the river and
watches fondly as it
floats away,
into the mainstream of the Danus~Kai.