St. Augustine

Almighty Father, and so fill us with your love, that by forsaking all evil desires we may embrace you, our only good.   Show unto us for your mercies’ sake, O Lord our God, what you are unto us.   Say unto our souls, ‘I am your salvation,’ speaking that we...


PRINCIPLES of PRAYER Dr. Craig Blomberg               As Christians, we all pray, some more than others.  The Bible tells us to, and in obedience, we attempt to honor God’s commands.  But do we truly pray biblically?  Do our prayers follow the patterns and...

My Daily Prayer

I pray that this day you will fill me with yourself and cause your fruit to ripen in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.                                        -John...

The Otino-Waa Creed

The Otino-Waa Creed I am a special child of God, chosen and saved for a unique purpose. My life has been difficult, but God has been and will be with me. I have my own guardian angel who watches over me. It is not my fault my parents are dead; I will miss them until...


AM I A STONE? Christina Rosetti     Am I a stone and not a sheep, that I can stand, O Christ, beneath Thy cross to number drop by drop Thy blood’s slow loss and yet not weep?   Not so these women loved          who with exceeding grief          lamented Thee.  ...