The Easy Burden of Jesus’ Yokes

The Easy Burden of Jesus’ Yokes

One morning while my friend Gordon and I were having coffee, he said, “Y’know, every morning I wake up feeling tired. Can’t remember the last time I woke up feeling rested. It’s not the physical side of doing the job, I can do that just fine. It’s all those...
In Arabah

In Arabah

Luke 4:1-13 . Philippians 2:6-8 . Hebrews 2:17 Walking south toward Jericho from the Jordan, Jesus left the road well before reaching the city. Turning northwest, he followed the broad rift into the barren wadis and hills of Arabah. As he turned, he smiled slightly at...

For Five Hundred Dollars…

Several years ago, I was at a Christian Writer’s Conference. One afternoon, the conference director offered an opportunity for attendees to relate any stories of how God had been working in their lives. Kay Marshall Strom took her turn and told this wonderful story....

On a Stormy Night

On a Stormy Night Once a kind-hearted man, wise but poor, lived in a tiny hut.  One rainy night he had just returned from a hard day’s work and was warming himself near the fire on which he had cooked his humble supper. Suddenly there came a knock at the door. A...

Thomas Merton

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end.   Nor do I really know myself,          and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.  ...