LET GO . . .

To let go does not mean to stop caring; it means I don’t need to do it for someone else.   To let go is not to cut myself off; it is the realization I do not have the right to control another person.   To let go is not to enable; but to allow learning from...

Desiderata Christus

Go peacefully amid the noise and haste.  Remember what solace may be had in silence, for that is where God is known.  As far as possible, serve all others. Speak the Lord’s truth quietly and clearly.  Listen to others with your heart, most especially the poor...

How Evil Grows…

How Evil Grows …   First, we overlook evil … Then we permit evil … Then we legalize evil … Then we promote evil … Then we celebrate evil … Then we persecute those who call evil for what it is.   Woe to them who call evil good,...


REMINDERS FROM THE CROSS   “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34 JESUS’ FORGIVENESS REMINDS US OF GOD’S GRACE   “Dear woman, here is your son; Here is your mother.” John 19:26 JESUS’ CONCERN FOR HIS MOTHER REMINDS US OF...