On this day ~

On this day ~     Mend a quarrel.  Search out a forgotten friend.  Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.  Write a love letter.  Share some treasure.  Give a soft answer.  Encourage youth.  Manifest your loyalty in a word or deed.   Keep a promise.  Find the...

Ten Good Gifts

Ten Good Gifts     Hugs . . . to someone who is lonely   Love . . . to someone who has nothing to give in return   Patience . . . to someone who is struggling with life   Freedom . . . to someone who needs to find their own destiny   Guidance . . . to someone drifting...

Saddlebacks Faith

God is bigger and better and closer than we can imagine.   The Bible is God’s perfect guidebook for living.   Jesus is God showing himself to us.   Through His Holy Spirit, God lives in and through us now.   Nothing in creation ‘just happened.’ ...


A PARABLE     The Kingdom of God is like golden threads, woven through a tapestry.     A  large celebration was held in the Kingdom of the Earth, in which people from many cities and towns came together. Those of many different colors and...

Names of God

Adonai Yahweh Sovereign Lord El-shaddai the Almighty Elohim the Strong One El-roi the Strong One who sees El-yon the Most High Elohim-Sabaoth Almighty Lord of the Sabbath El Elohe Yisrael the God of Israel Elah Illai Most High God           Yahweh Sabaoth the...