David ben Jesse

443 Wailing Wall Drive
Jerusalem, Israel

I am an executive with oversight responsibilities covering preparation, execution, supervision and overall management of programs, building projects, music extravaganzas, an army and city of thousands. In my

thirty-two years of diverse experience in creative and productive management, I have become skilled in identifying and developing new markets, distribution channels and multi-media exposure; experienced in working with large women’s groups, soldiers, prophets, chancellors, royalty and various other management executives. Established new records of achievement for an entire ethnic population.

MANAGEMENT: Had oversight of the building and development of entire city, which then became the capital of the kingdom; managed all aspects of commercial, military, civil and religious life; oversaw management of large community of women; established good working relationships with comparable communities which were in concert with my own, totally destroyed others which disagreed.

TRAINING: Established management and mediating skills early in career; personally trained and led over 500 men, trained and equipped large women’s organizations; conducted training and development seminars, wrote training manuals, executed all aspects of management throughout this process with extraordinary results. 

MARKETING & DEVELOPMENT: Wrote numerous types of reports and publications addressing issues of training, public relations, military operations, city management, justice administration and praise and worship; open and available to be of service to entire populate throughout my career.

PUBLIC RELATIONS: Active involvement in all aspects of civic life; transformed previously sluggish, unresponsive, fearful populace into a vital, dynamic and aggressive community through the presentation of philosophy and theology; frequently addressed large groups of people.

PERSONAL: Age 52, Married, 7 children.  Past General of the Army; Past President of Chamber of Commerce; Past President of the Temple; author of numerous Psalms; former judge. Determined, innovative, practical, versatile, objective, personable, charismatic, decisive; a ‘doer’.